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Friday, 30 January 2015

Computer Knowledge Practice Paper Set 3

by Unknown  |  in Computer Knowledge Practice Paper at  Friday, January 30, 2015

Computer Knowledge Practice Paper Set 3

1) Background of screen is known as 
  1. application
  2. window
  3. desktop
  4. frame
  5. None of these

2) What is windows explorer ?
  1. A drive
  2. APC
  3. A web browser
  4. A network
  5. A file manager

3) Windows stores all systems setting in this file
  5. WIN.INI

4) Factor making windows popular is
  1. multitasking capacity
  2. desktop features
  3. user friendly
  4. being inexpensive
  5. None of these

5) In Windows ME, what does ME stand for ?
  1. Millennium-Edition
  2. Micro-Edition
  3. Macro-Expert
  4. Multi-Expert
  5. My-Expert

6) To restart the computer, following combination of keys is used.
  1. Del + Ctrl
  2. Backspace + Ctrl
  3. Esc + Ctrl
  4. Insert + Esc
  5. Ctrl + Alt + Del

7) It is easier to change the name of the using___________ Process.
  1. transforming
  2. christening
  3. renaming
  4. retagging
  5. None of the these

8) _________ may be included in other folder while making hierarchical structural folder.
  1. Mini folder
  2. Tiered folder
  3. Sub folder
  4. Object
  5. None of these

9) Title bar, ribbon, status bar, views and document workspace are components of _________ program.
  1. windows
  2. browser
  3. explorer
  4. website
  5. None of these

10) All the deleted files go to
  1. recycle bin
  2. task bar
  3. tool bar
  4. my computer
  5. None of these

11) When you want to move an icon on your desktop, this is called
  1. double clicking
  2. highlighting
  3. dragging
  4. pointing
  5. None of these

12) Active windows means the 
  1. active window is designated by a different colour toolbar that other open window
  2. window than is currently open
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. window that is last used
  5. None of the above


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