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Monday, 2 February 2015

Logical Reasoning Practice Paper for Competitive Exams

by Unknown  |  in reasoning practice paper at  Monday, February 02, 2015

Logical Reasoning Practice Paper

1) Vipin is taller than Ram Lal. Ram Lal is not tall as Ahmad. Mahendra is taller than Sheikh, but not as tall as Ram Lal. Ahmad is not as tall as Vipin is. Who is the shortest among them ?

  1. Vipin
  2. Ahmad
  3. Ram Lal
  4. Sheikh
  5. Mahendra

2) School is situated to the west of the hospital which is south to the police post. The court is to the north of the school. If the four places are at the equal distance from each other, the police post is situated to the:
  1. East of the court
  2. West of the court
  3. North of the court
  4. South of the court

3) Road from the north, south, east and west directions meet near a police post. A constable coming on the road from the east finds that the road in from of him leads to a park and the road towards his right leads to the railway station and none of those roads lead to the police post. For reaching the police post, to which direction should the policeman turn ?
  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South

4) While standing at the bus stop in the morning I saw a policeman riding a cycle on the other side of the road. With his left hand he was protecting his face from the sun rays and his right hand was towards me. In which direction from the policeman was I standing ?
  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South

5) Five boys were climbing a hillock. Hari was ahead of all of them. Ram was ahead of Govind. Krishna  was behind Hari and in between Jayant and Ram. All of them were climbing up in a column. Who was in the second position ?
  1. Jayant
  2. Hari
  3. Ram
  4. Govind
  5. Krishna

Directions for 6 to 8: Read the following statements and then answer questions.
  • Ramesh, Mohan and Edward play cricket.
  • Mohan, Rahman and Edward play hockey.
  • Rahman, Ramesh and Mohan play volleyball.

6) Who play all the three sports ?
  1. Ramesh
  2. Mohan
  3. Edward
  4. Rahman

7) Who plays cricket and volleyball but does not play hockey ?
  1. Ramesh
  2. Mohan
  3. Edward
  4. Rahman

8) Who plays hockey and volleyball but does not play cricket ?
  1. Ramesh
  2. Mohan
  3. Edward
  4. Rahman

Directions for 9 to 10: Read the following statement and then answer questions.
  • A Cube is painted red on all sides and then it is cut into 64 small cubes of equal sizes.

9) How many small cubes have only one side painted ?
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 24

10) How many small cubes are such as to have none of their sides painted ?
  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 1


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