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Friday, 30 January 2015

Current Affairs: General Knowledge Practice Paper

by Unknown  |  in General Awareness Practice Paper at  Friday, January 30, 2015

General Knowledge Practice Paper

1) In which of the following associates, the State Bank of India has 90 percent stake ?

  1. State Bank of Bikaner
  2. State Bank of Mysore
  3. State Bank of Travancore
  4. State Bank of Patilala

2) What is the rank of India out of 189 countries in World Bank's ease of doing business index 2014 ?
  1. 134th
  2. 138th
  3. 132th
  4. 136th

3) The IMF said in its update that Indian Economy would grow in 2014-15 by 
  1. 5.8 %
  2. 5.4%
  3. 5.6%
  4. 5.2%

4) According to OECD to maintain robust growth India needs to address its
  1. Infrastructure shortfalls
  2. Pervasive State Control in Business Activities
  3. Unequal access to quality education
  4. All of the above

5) According to research firm Gartner, IT spending in India is expected to grow 9.4% in 2015 to 
  1. $ 73.3 billion
  2. $ 76.8 billion
  3. $ 72.6 billion
  4. $ 68.4 billion

6) Which of the following companies of India are among the top global companies that did business in the most sustainable manner in 2013.
  1. Wipro and Essar Oil
  2. Tech Mahindra and TCS
  3. Laser and Toubro
  4. All of the above

7) The Reserve Bank of India signed a pact with the Central Bank of which country for information and supervisory cooperation?
  1. Niger
  2. Kenya
  3. South Sudan
  4. Tunisia

8) Which of the following public sector bank launched the e-man-date service, offering a modern platform for large volume of repetitive payments, eliminating post- dated cheques and extending ECS on pan-India basis ?
  1. Punjab National Bank
  2. Allahabad Bank
  3. Corporation Bank
  4. Bank of Boroda

9) Which of the following trade and economy related agreements were signed between Indian and United States during the visit of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi  to the United States /
  1. US industry to partner in developing smart cities in Ajmer, Visakapatnam and Allahabad
  2. An Infrastructure Collaboration Platform to be set up to identify and clarify critical infrastructure needs of India.
  3. An India-US Investment Initiative to facilitate in vestment in India by institutional investors and corporate entities.
  4. All of the above

10) Which of the following statements are correct about the fourth bi-monthly monetary policy statement announced by the Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan ?
  1. Repo rate is kept unchanged at 8%
  2. Case Reserve Ratio (CRR) is kept unchanged at 4%
  3. 2% points cut in statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) securities of HTM Category to 22% of deposits by Sep 2015 in staggered manner
  4. All of the Above


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