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Wednesday 28 January 2015

English: Filled with the Appropriate Words Practice Paper

by Unknown  |  in English Practice Paper for Banking and Other Competitive Exams at  Wednesday, January 28, 2015

English: Filled with the Appropriate Words Practice Paper

Directions: In each question below, sentence are given with blanks to be filled with appropriate (meaning full)  words. From the given four alternatives, choose the correct word which completes the given sentence.

1) The suspect was too ___________ to admit that he had committed the crime.
  1. nervous
  2. clever
  3. shy
  4. obstinate

2) The patient's condition would become ________ if timely medication is not given.
  1. pathetic
  2. deadly
  3. serious
  4. grave

3) He was _______ of his valuables.
  1. cheated
  2. snatched
  3. looted
  4. deprived

4) The child picked up the toy which __________ on the ground.
  1. laid
  2. lay
  3. lying
  4. was lie

5) I ________ a certain grace about the way she carried herself.
  1. marked
  2. found
  3. noticed
  4. assumed

6) The fact is that men in uniform make a _________ audience.
  1. distinguished
  2. cheerful
  3. encouraging
  4. experimental

7) Try to be ________ about your objectives.
  1. clear
  2. confused
  3. worried
  4. ignorant

8) One evening, all the children in the family ________ to go to a picnic.
  1. fought
  2. panicked
  3. decided
  4. needed

9) High pitched noises __________ the reader's mind.
  1. crackled
  2. disturbed
  3. dampened
  4. crossed

10) After the control, the _________ winner celebrated by partying with her friends.
  1. eager
  2. solitary
  3. expected
  4. radiant

11) Medication will also be __________ at the time of examination.
  1. advised
  2. made available
  3. prescribed
  4. distributed

12) Too much work, will _________ your energy.
  1. drain
  2. boost
  3. enhance
  4. filter

13) The water ________ in a silver stream down on mountain slope.
  1. seeped
  2. rushed
  3. flowed
  4. drained

14) The film was _________ the "Best Film" for its magnificent portrayal of the complex and moving emotions.
  1. described
  2. directed
  3. adjudged
  4. projected

15) He will not study __________ he is compelled to do so.
  1. unless
  2. till
  3. since
  4. until


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