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Wednesday 28 January 2015

English: Sentence Completion Practice Paper Set 2

by Unknown  |  in English Practice Paper for Banking and Other Competitive Exams at  Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sentence Completion Practice Paper Set2

1) Punjab Mail arrived ________ New Delhi Railway Station three hours late.
  1. no preposition is required
  2. on
  3. at
  4. to

2) He slipped away _________ the crowd to avoid arrest.
  1. of
  2. from
  3. by
  4. with

3) The man died _________ heart attack without receiving any treatment.
  1. of
  2. with
  3. in
  4. by

4) He called _________ me late at night to communicate the message.
  1. upon
  2. on
  3. to
  4. up

5) The accused ran away __________ the police custody.
  1. from
  2. off
  3. by
  4. off

6) My friend called _________ me to offer congratulations on my success.
  1. to
  2. upon
  3. on
  4. off

7) This remark is not ________ your favour.
  1. to
  2. for
  3. in
  4. of

8) He acted well ________ according with law.
  1. with
  2. by
  3. in
  4. to

9) There is a provision _____________ law to bail out the accused.
  1. by
  2. of
  3. with
  4. in

10) Parole can be granted __________ any convict under the provisions of law.
  1. for
  2. to
  3. unto
  4. upon

11) The appeal has been moved _______ High Court by the party.
  1. in
  2. to
  3. for
  4. with

12) He field an appeal ________ the higher court.
  1. with
  2. to
  3. in
  4. for

13) An appeal has been admitted __________ the Supreme Court.
  1. by
  2. into
  3. with
  4. in


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